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50 Recent Changes in LS3MIP Web retrieved at 04:25 (Local)

WebStatistics in LS3MIP
Statistics for nop LS3MIP Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save ...
LS3MIP: Land Surface, Snow and Soil Moisture Model Intercomparison Project In the context of WCPR's Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), the Global Energy ...
Teleconference on land-hist papers, July 17, 2020 in LS3MIP
TeleconferenceOnLandHistPapersJuly172020 Participants: Sonia Seneviratne, Hyungjun Kim, Lawrence Mudryk, Agnès Ducharne, Andrea Alessandri, Binghao Jia, Daniele Peano ...
LS3MIP teleconference, Oct 15 2019 in LS3MIP
LS3MIPTeleconferenceOct152019 Status of simulations CanESM Land only runs not possible with the same land module as the one used in the coupled CCCma model ...
Experimental design of LFMIP-Pobs in LS3MIP
LFMIP Pobs The LS3MIP paper does not contain a detailed description of the seasonal predictability experiments, labeled as LFMIP Pobs. Draft experimental designs were ...
Land-Hist with alternative forcing datasets in LS3MIP
LandHistWithAlternativeForcingDatasets LMIP simulations with alternative datasets are planned to test the sensitivity of the Land Hist results (GSWP3) to the meteorological ...
Tier 1 Experiments in LS3MIP
Tier1Experiments Land Hist: 1901 2014 land only run, at the native resolution of the land model in the CMIP6 coupled runs, using GSWP3 forcing: These forcing ...
Land-Future simulations in LS3MIP
LandFutureSimulations These are a set of land only runs for 2015 2100 using climate anomalies from coupled model CMIP6 runs superimposed on the GSWP3 forcing. We suggest ...
LS3MIP Teleconference On April 29, 2019 in LS3MIP
LS3MIPTeleconferenceOnApril292019 Participants: A. Alessandri, C. Ferguson, D. Peano, R. Ellis, F. Catalano, F. Cgéruy, M. Hauser, T. Stacke, W. Mey, Y. Onuma, S. ...
Proposed analyses in LS3MIP
ProposedAnalyses Volounteer Analysis/Topic Key variables Sonia colleagues (ETH) Soil moisture effects on climate extremes TBD Sonia colleagues ...
GeneralInformationOnLS3MIP General information Where can I find a general description of LS3MIP? It is described in van den Hurk et al. (2016). How do I subscribe ...
Tier 2 experiments in LS3MIP
Tier2Experiments LFMIP Pobs LFMIP Pobs SST: Perfect Boundary Condition Experiment Additional ensemble members for LFMIP rmLC SST and LFMIP pdLC SST (see ...
LFMIP-Pobs+SST Perfect Boundary Condition Experiment in LS3MIP
LFMIPPobsSSTPerfectBoundaryConditionExperiment This Tier 2 experiment is a 1980 2014 simulation with prescribed AMIP SST and sea ice, and prescribed land surface state ...
LS3MIP teleconference on Jan 25, 2019 in LS3MIP
LS3MIPTeleconferenceOnJan252019 At this teleconference, the following topics were discussed, with decision taken at and after the teleconference as follows: LMIP ...
LandMIP workshop Toulouse October 2018 in LS3MIP
LandMIPWorkshopToulouseOctober2018 Coordination teams of LS3MIP, C4MIP and LUMIP and the European project CRESCENDO have discussed the possibility to organise a (partially ...
Status of GSWP3 Forcing data in LS3MIP
The version of the official release is GSWP3 v1.06 and available at http://search.diasjp.net/en/dataset/GSWP3 EXP1 Forcing If you have v1.0, you can produce v1.06 ...
NotesOfLS3MIPKickOffMeeting11Sep2017 in LS3MIP
Notes of LS3MIP Kick Off Meeting 11. Sep. 2017 Telcon 11 Sep 2017, 12:00 – 15:00 CET Chair: Bart van den Hurk, KNMI Attending : CSIRO: Ian Harman CAS ...
LS3MIPObjectivesDesign in LS3MIP
LS3MIP Objectives and Design In particular, the goal of the LS3MIP experiment is to provide a comprehensive assessment of land surface , snow , and soil moisture ...
WebPreferences in LS3MIP
nop LS3MIP Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the LS3MIP web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and ...
WebNotify in LS3MIP
.MathiasHauser: .UrsBeyerle:
Questions Data requests (A. Ducharne) in LS3MIP
Questions Data requests (A. Ducharne) Duplicated variables we believe the following pairs of names identify the same variable : tws mrtws wtd waterDpth ...
WebAtom in LS3MIP
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